Pizza Swap

Join us in Knox Hall for our Pizza Swap event.

Church Service

Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah

Bible Study

Please join us for Bible study and conversation John Calvin Room

Session Meeting

This session meeting will be held in person in Knox Hall.

Church Service

Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah

Bible Study

Please join us for Bible study and conversation John Calvin Room

Church Service

Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 4th Sunday After Epiphany Holy Communion Fellowship following the worship service in Knox Hall […]

Bible Study

Please join us for Bible study and conversation John Calvin Room

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care meeting. The pastoral care meeting will be in person in Knox Hall.

Fix It Friday

Join us in the Sanctuary and in Knox Hall for our Fix It Friday event.

Church Service

Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 5th Sunday after Epiphany Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah

Bible Study

Please join us for Bible study and conversation John Calvin Room