Board of Managers
Board of Managers meeting. The board will meet in person in Knox Hall at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church.
Board of Managers meeting. The board will meet in person in Knox Hall at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church.
Sounds of Fall Musical Concert with George Heldt & Friends St. Mark's Sanctuary and Knox Hall Free-will Offering
Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 26th Sunday of Pentecost Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah
Please join us for study and conversation on Ruth Chapter 2 — "The Providence of God" John Calvin Room
This session meeting will be held in person in Knox Hall.
Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. 27th Sunday of Pentecost Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah
Please join us for study and conversation on Ruth Chapter 3 — "Redemption and Hope" John Calvin Room
Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. Advent I Holy Communion Fellowship following the worship service in Knox Hall Rev. Emmanuel […]
Please join us for study and conversation on Ruth Chapter 4 — "Restoration and Legacy" John Calvin Room
Join us in the Sanctuary and in Knox Hall for our Fix It Friday event.
Join us in person for our regular Sunday service or watch online with our streaming service. Advent II Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah
Join us in person for our Afternoon Communion Rev. Emmanuel Mote-Ndasah