We have a non-profit affordable housing complex of 70 apartments attached to the church. 1/3 of the units are set aside for tenants with physical disabilities that require some physical support. There is a staff of 20 trained attendants that provide the kind of support that allows disabled tenants an independence of living. We have also designed our sanctuary space and accessibility throughout our building so that everyone can participate regardless of mobility issues. Another 1/3 of our units are incorporated in Toronto housing and are subsidized geared-to-income. The remaining 1/3 units are set at market rent. This makes our building mixed housing and our ministry is to provide the best possible living experience for our tenants as part of our effort to serve concrete housing needs in our city for some of the most vulnerable citizens, in a way where people are not segregated because of disability or disadvantage.

We run one of the best, lowest cost, high-quality Day Care centres where half the spaces are government subsidized. Because we are non-profit, all revenue goes back into the Day Care to continue to enhance the quality of service, care and education we provide children of our wider community regardless of the economic situation of their families.
We run a full summer high quality day camp with an incredible one to six staff to child ratio. We provide activites for body, mind and spirit which includes indoor and outdoor play and field trips. We also aim to ensure that any child, regardless of ability to pay, can be enrolled. For more info in the camp, see our ad in the children’s ministry link and the Footprints website link.

These are but some of the bigger ministries that define the character of our St. Mark’s Community.