Thank you for your support of the Ministry of St Mark's
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and the generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed (John 3: 16: Pr. 11: 25)
Our giving generosity reflects our understanding and intimacy with God who gave in order that we might have.
We appreciate all your gifts.
Two Ways to Give
By Mail
You can send one cheque or several post-dated cheques in one mailing. Place your cheque in your givings envelope or include your envelope number in the memo portion of your cheque. If you do not have an envelope number and your donation is $20 or more and you would like a tax receipt, make sure to include your address on or with your cheque. Please mail your envelope givings and donations to:
St Mark’s Presbyterian Church
Attn: Envelope Secretary
1 Greenland Rd
North York, ON M3C 1N1
By E-Transfer
Your givings and donations can be received by e-Transfer if you have online banking. Simply e-Transfer your givings and donations to the email address below. Please make sure to include your envelope number in the message portion of the e-Transfer. If you do not have an envelope number and your donation is $20 or more and you would like a tax receipt, make sure to include your address in the message portion of the e-Transfer. Note that Interac e-Transfer® autodeposit has been enabled. Your e-Transfer will be automatically deposited to St Mark’s account even if your bank asks for a security question and answer. You do not need to send the security question response to St Mark’s. Please e-Transfer your givings and donations to:
Thank You
Your gifts of support are greatly appreciated.